Ultrasound examination was carried out in 55 patients undergoing renal
biopsy for suspected renal parenchymal disease. Analysis of sonograph
ic and histological findings showed statistically significant positive
correlations between renal size and the extent of glomerular hyper-ce
llularity and crescent formation and between cortical echogenicity and
severity of glomerular sclerosis, crescent formation, interstitial in
flammatory cell infiltration, tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosi
s. Positive correlation was also observed between prominence of the me
dullary pyramids and glomerular sclerosis. The most marked sonographic
abnormalities were seen in proliferative (including crescentic) glome
rulonephritis, diabetic glomerulosclerosis and tubulo-interstitiai nep
hritis. IgA, membranous and minimal change nephropathy were less likel
y to be associated with sonographic abnormalities. We conclude that ce
rtain sonographic appearances in renal parenchymal disease reflect the
presence and severity of light microscopical abnormalities but, altho
ugh ultrasound assessment provides a high positive predictive value fo
r renal parenchymal disease, specific conditions cannot be distinguish