Since their introduction for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, co
rticosteroids have become widely used as effective agents in the contr
ol of inflammatory diseases. Although there have been undoubted benefi
ts upon mortality in diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, ma
ny patients survive only to suffer a high incidence of premature ather
osclerosis. There is also evidence of increased rates of vascular mort
ality in other corticosteroid-treated diseases, such as rheumatoid art
hritis, reversible airways obstruction and transplant recipients. Poss
ible mechanisms of damage include elevated blood pressure, impaired gl
ucose tolerance, dyslipidaemia, and imbalances in thrombosis and fibri
nolysis. This paper reviews the clinical evidence supporting the conte
ntion that there is an excess cardiovascular mortality in steroid-trea
ted patients and the underlying mechanisms, and points to further area
s of research.