Objective: To determine whether alpha(1)- or beta-adrenergic receptors
are altered during regression of cardiac hypertrophy produced by anti
hypertensive agents. Design and methods: Cardiac hypertrophy was induc
ed in rats by aortic banding. After 6 weeks banding the rats were trea
ted with an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor (enalapril),
an alpha(1)-adrenergic antagonist (bunazosin) or a beta-adrenergic an
tagonist (propranolol) for 6 weeks to induce regression. The numbers o
f alpha(1)- and beta-adrenergic receptors, haemodynamics, tissue norad
renaline content and tissue ACE activity were measured. Results: Regre
ssion of cardiac hypertrophy occurred after treatment of aortic banded
rats with a high dose of enalapril, bunazosin or propranolol, and was
accompanied by a reduction in systolic blood pressure. The number of
alpha(1)- or beta-adrenergic receptors was unchanged by propranolol tr
eatment, but the number of alpha(1)-adrenergic receptors was increased
in the hearts of rats treated with bunazosin. A low dose of enalapril
(3 mg/kg body weight) caused regression of hypertrophy without a conc
omitant reduction in blood pressure, and decreased the number of alpha
(1)-adrenergic receptors. The dissociation constants for alpha(1)- and
beta-adrenergic receptors were not different among the experimental g
roups, and the positive derivatives of left ventricular pressure was u
naltered in rats treated with a low dose of enalapril but was reduced
by the other drugs. Conclusion: Of the three drugs tested, only the lo
w dose of enalapril affected adrenergic receptors during regression of
cardiac hypertrophy, causing a decrease in alpha(1)-adrenergic recept
or number without a reduction in blood pressure. This effect may be ex
plained by non-haemodynamic actions of the ACE inhibitor enalapril, pr
obably by modulation of peripheral sympathetic activity.