Nonlinear associative memories as realized, e.g., by Hopfield nets are
characterized by attractor-type dynamics. When fed with a starting pa
ttern, they converge to exactly one of the stored patterns which is su
pposed to be most similar. These systems cannot render hypotheses of c
lassification, i.e., render several possible answers to a given classi
fication problem. Inspired by von der Malsburg's correlation theory of
brain function, we extend conventional neural network architectures b
y introducing additional dynamical variables. Assuming an oscillatory
time structure of neural firing, i.e., the existence of neural clocks,
we assign a so-called phase to each formal neuron. The phases explici
tly describe detailed correlations of neural activities neglected in c
onventional neural network architectures. Implementing this extension
into a simple self-organizing network based on a feature map, we prese
nt an associative memory that actually is capable of forming hypothese
s of classification.