The performance of simulated moving-bed reactor for two semicontinuous
chromatographic reaction-separation processes, namely, isomerization
of glucose to fructose (Hashimoto ct al., 1993) and inversion of sucro
se to glucose and fructose (Ganetsos et al., 1993), has been studied b
y mathematical modeling and numerical simulations. Simulation results
agreed well with the published experimental results. The process perfo
rmance, which is stated in terms of the process performance parameters
defined in this paper, was also studied for various operating conditi
ons, for both the processes. Since the reaction was introduced in the
process, reaction conversion becomes a process performance parameter o
f importance, which was considered along with product purity and recov
ery. The criteria of the operating parameter (Ruthven and Ching, 1989)
for linear systems for a simulated moving-bed process is not applicab
le for a simulated moving-bed reactor process in some cases.