We conducted joint Bolivia/The Netherlands/United States wild potato (
Solanum sect. Petota Dumort.) germplasm collecting expeditions in Boli
via from February 1-April 15, 1993, and January 1-February 26, 1994. T
he goals of the expeditions were to collect germplasm and gather data
for continuing taxonomic studies of the approximately 43 taxa of Boliv
ian wild potatoes accepted by current taxonomists. We made 223 collect
ions, 135 as true seed collections, 54 as tubers, 19 only as herbarium
collections. Two recent taxonomic treatments of Bolivian wild and cul
tivated potatoes have clarified the taxonomy and distribution of these
plants, but there are continuing disagreements between treatments reg
arding species boundaries and interrelationships. These disagreements,
and the variability we observed in natural populations, present probl
ems for identifications. We summarize the state of germplasm collectio
ns for Bolivia, provide our field data regarding the taxonomy of Boliv
ian wild potatoes, provide recommendations for future collecting, and
provide new chromosome counts for S. hoopesii, S. ugentii, and S. yung