One of the main concerns in relation to municipal solid waste incinera
tor (MSWI) bottom ash is the longterm mobility of heavy metals, which
depends on leachate pH and thus on the acid neutralizing capacity of M
SWI bottom ash. The acid neutralizing capacity is determined by titrat
ion. Independent of titration methodology, MSWI bottom ash appears to
be predominantly buffered by Ca minerals. In alkaline conditions, calc
ium hydroxides/silicates and CaCO3 dominate the solution chemistry of
the aqueous phase. They constitute the acid neutralizing capacity (ANC
) equivalent to the titration end point at pH 7.5. Fresh samples have
an ANC(7.5) Of 1.2-1.7 +/- 0.05 mequiv/g. In neutral to acid condition
s, silicate dissolution becomes increasingly important. Calcium carbon
ate is the predominant component of ANC(7.5) in samples aged in landfi
lls or forest track coffers. Determined ANC(7.5) values of the aged sa
mples range between 0.6 and 1.0 +/- 0.05 mequiv/g. Intrinsic neutraliz
ation reactions with CO2 or silica are the most probable explanations
for the absence of the basic calcium hydroxide/silicate components.