Maxwell Laboratories Inc. has designed, manufactured and installed a 5
00 kJ multi-module capacitor bank at DRA Fort Halstead to be used for
the investigation of ETC technologies. This paper describes the pulsed
power system design and present typical test data acquired during man
ufacturing testing. The 500 kJ system is made up of ten independent 50
kJ modules with a dual operating voltage of 11 kV and 22 kV. The capa
citor bank modularity provides the user with pulse shaping flexibility
by allowing for time-sequence firing of the ten 50 kJ units. The 500
kJ system can be operated in 50 kJ increments, allowing the user to va
ry the amount of energy needed for laboratory type testing. Each 50 kJ
module is a stand alone capacitor bank equipped with a Maxwell 11/22
kV 50 kJ capacitor, output switch (Maxwell Triggered Vacuum Switch, TV
S-40), output inductor, trigger generator, energy dumping system, and
control circuits. This system has been tested to demonstrate the overa
ll electrical performance and system flexibility into a resistive load
. Data is presented to show the capacitor bank current output pulse va
riations, both in simultaneous and time-sequence operation. The data s
hows the advantages of such a capacitor bank for laboratory type exper
iments and future fieldable power supply systems.