The role of ATP as a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in the urinary tr
act has been the subject of much study, particularly whether ATP has a
functional role in producing urine flow. Recent studies suggested sig
nificant species variation, specifically a variation between cat and o
ther species. This study was performed to determine the in vivo respon
se of cat urinary bladder to pelvic nerve stimulation (PNS) and to the
exogenous administration of cholinergic and purinergic agents. In ane
sthetized cats, bladder contractions and fluid expulsion was measured
in response to PNS and to the exogenous administration of cholinergic
and purinergic agents. Fluid was instilled into the bladder and any fl
uid expelled by bladder contractions induced by PNS or exogenous agent
s was collected in a beaker. The volume was measured in a graduated cy
linder and recorded. PNS, carbachol and APPCP produced sustained contr
actions with significant expulsion of fluid. ATP, ACh and hypogastric
nerve stimulation did not produce any significant expulsion of fluid.
Atropine, a cholinergic antagonist, inhibited PNS contractions and flu
id expulsion with no effect on purinergic actions. There was a signifi
cant relationship between the magnitude of the contraction, duration o
f the contractions and volume of fluid expelled. The data and informat
ion from other studies, strongly suggests a functional role for ATP as
a cotransmitter in the lower urinary tract different from ACh's role.
ATP stimulation of a specific purinergic receptor plays a role in ini
tiation of bladder contractions and perhaps in the initiation of urine
flow from the bladder. ACh's role is functionally different and appea
rs to be more involved in maintenance of contractile activity and