Terrestrial responses to increasing atmospheric CO2 are important to t
he global carbon budget. Increased plant production under elevated CO2
is expected to increase soil C which may induce N limitations. The ob
jectives of this study were to determine the effects of increased CO2
on 1) the amount of carbon and nitrogen stored in soil organic matter
and microbial biomass and 2) soil microbial activity. A tallgrass prai
rie ecosystem was exposed to ambient and twice-ambient CO2 concentrati
ons in open-top chambers in the field from 1989 to 1992 and compared t
o unchambered ambient CO2 during the entire growing season. During 199
0 and 1991, N fertilizer was included as a treatment. The soil microbi
al response to CO2 was measured during 1991 and 1992. Soil organic C a
nd N were not significantly affected by enriched atmospheric CO2. The
response of microbial biomass to CO2 enrichment was dependent upon soi
l water conditions. In 1991, a dry year, CO2 enrichment significantly
increased microbial biomass C and N. In 1992, a wet year, microbial bi
omass C and N were unaffected by the CO2 treatments. Added N increased
microbial C and N under CO2 enrichment. Microbial activity was consis
tently greater under CO2 enrichment because of better soil water condi
tions. Added N stimulated microbial activity under CO2 enrichment. Inc
reased microbial N with CO2 enrichment may indicate plant production c
ould be limited by N availability. The soil system also could compensa
te for the limited N by increasing the labile pool to support increase
d plant production with elevated atmospheric CO2. Longer-term studies
are needed to determine how tallgrass prairie will respond to increase
d C input.