This short communication reports the discovery and composition of the
first Os-bearing rhenium sulphide. It occurs as a single euhedral crys
tal in the early Proterozoic Ekojoki Ni-Cu deposit in Finland, being e
nclosed by interstitial magmatic Fe-Ni sulphides. Electron microprobe
analyses are most consistent with a general formula of Cu(Re,Os,Mo)(5)
S-9. The Re-Os model age calculations indicate that approximately 2/3
osmium is ''common'' Os that was accommodated by the sulphide at the t
ime of crystallisation, 1/3 being produced via post-crystallisation de
cay of Re-187 to Os-187. We propose that this sulphide crystallised fr
om an immiscible sulphide liquid that was unusually rich in rhenium du
e to extensive assimilation of black schist sulphides by the magma.