A model of the regulatory region of human decay accelerating factor (D
AF) was built based on the known coordinates of a fragment of the stru
cturally and functionally homologous serum protein, factor H. Accordin
g to this model, the four short consensus repeats (SCRs) in DAF are ar
ranged in a helical fashion. A positively charged surface area on SCRs
2 and 3, two of the three repeating units essential for function, is
postulated to be the primary recognition site for the C3 convertases <
(C4b2a)over bar> and <(C3bBb)over bar>. This area encompasses a cavity
on SCR 2, as well as part of the groove on the SCR 2-SCR 3 interface,
Two additional surface depressions are centered around the C-terminal
disulfide bridges of SCRs 3 and 4. These are likely to provide additi
onal ligand binding sites. Based on this model in conjunction with seq
uence homology to the Ba fragment of factor B, a mechanism of DAF's ac
celerated convertase decay action is postulated.