We have developed a bootstrap method to estimate errors associated wit
h inverting SKS waveforms for shear-wave splitting parameters. Althoug
h presented for shear-wave splitting inversions, this method is suitab
le for any waveform inversion procedure. The bootstrap error estimatio
n method consists of multiple inversions of simulated data that imitat
e the original data with differing noise sequences. The results of the
bootstrap inversions are used to directly calculate variances and cov
ariances for all model parameters. We employ a bootstrap error estimat
ion technique to nonlinear inversion for shear-wave splitting paramete
rs. Since seismic data have correlated errors, the bootstrap method wa
s modified for stationary bandlimited time series. This modified boots
trap method was applied to shear-wave splitting measurements from over
60 pairs of horizontal seismograms. The method is stable under a larg
e range of noise conditions. By using this bootstrap method, we can di
stinguish among data with no apparent splitting, data with splitting,
and noisy data.