Two different signalling pathways mediate the localization of acetylch
oline receptors (AChRs) to synaptic sites in skeletal muscle. The sign
al for one pathway is agrin, a protein that triggers a redistribution
of previously unlocalized cell surface AChRs to synaptic sites(1). The
signal for the other pathway is not known, but this signal stimulates
transcription of AChR genes in myofibre nuclei near the synaptic site
(2). Neuregulins, identified originally as a potential ligand for erbB
2 (Neu differentiation factor, NDF)(3), stimulate proliferation of Sch
wann cells (glial growth factor, GGF)(4), increase the rate of AChR sy
nthesis in cultured muscle cells (AChR-inducing activity)(5) and are e
xpressed in motor neurons(4,5). These results raise the possibility th
at neuregulin is the signal that activates AChR genes in synaptic nucl
ei. Here we show that neuregulin activates AChR gene expression in C2
muscle cells and that the neuregulin response element in the AChR delt
a-subunit gene is contained in the same 181 base pairs that confer syn
apse-specific expression in transgenic mice. We use antibodies to show
that neuregulins are concentrated at synaptic sites and that, like th
e extracellular signal that stimulates synapse-specific expression, ne
uregulins remain at synaptic sites in the absence of nerve and muscle.
We show that C2 muscle cells contain erbB2 and erbB3 messenger RNA bu
t little or no erbB4 mRNA, and that neuregulin stimulates tyrosine pho
sphorylation of erbB2 and erbB3, indicating that neuregulin signalling
in skeletal muscle may be mediated by a complex of erbB2 and erbB3.