Dynamic fracture toughness (DFT) evaluation by instrumented impact ana
lysis has been emerging as a time- and material-conservative technique
. The present investigation attempts to assess DFT of a high strength
low alloy (HSLA) steel showing alternate layers of ferrite and pearlit
e in microstructure. The banded microstructure has given rise to an ir
regular stable crack front which shows spikes and splits. Three approa
ches to evaluate DFT, namely, premaximum energy, compliance changing r
ate (CCR), and the low blow test method, have been analyzed and compar
ed to assess applicability in the case of irregular crack front. The c
urve fitting analysis of data justifies the power law fit to give cons
ervative DFT values. The effects of a/w and impact velocity have been
investigated. Attempts have also been made to calculate dynamic CTOD f
rom load-displacement curves. Single specimen CCR technique obviates t
he need for stable crack growth (Delta a) measurements and predicts co
nservative DFT values comparable to DFT values obtained from the low b
low test method.