Interactive processes between the child's inner and outer worlds are o
f first-rank importance for childhood psychogenesis. In this the parti
cular family dynamic is especially important both for the creation of
constructs and for ongoing semantic differentiation in the child. The
diversity of modern family structures are also reflected in the child'
s inner world. In the light of personally observed individual case stu
dies, the paper describes interactive processes between the child, fam
ily and professional worlds and draws possible action-oriented conclus
ions for everyday pediatric practice. The remarks are based on a gener
al concept of knowledge and action in family therapy (Meilen Concept [
The Meilen Concept is being developed in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft des A
usbildungsinstituts fur systemische Therapie und Beratung, Meilen. Apa
rt from the author its other members are ROSMARIE WELTER-ENDERLIN, BRU
NO HILDENBRAND and ROBI WASCHLE]), which is also briefly outlined. The
model is designed to make clear that the central pole of professional
action is understanding of the individual case through the encounter
of physician and patient system. Professional knowledge and the rules
of the physician's craft serve to keep this encounter within the bound
s of professionalism.