The ultrastructural appearance of two chondroblastoma were examined by
scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The polygonal basal ce
lls, with a scanty pericellular matrix, show a poorly developed endopl
asmic reticulum and many Golgi bodies. The highly differentiated chond
roid cells are assembled in isogenous clusters and show intracytoplasm
ic inclusions of glycogen and lipids, numerous mitochondria and su per
ficial secretion vesicles arising from a well developed rough endoplas
mic reticulum. Clusters of crystals, in close contact with the matrix
collagen fibres, are found near to the tumour cells. These ultrastruct
ural characteristics, together with the basal undifferentiated cells t
hat proliferate and differentiate into cartilaginous tissue, distingui
sh this neoplasm from chondroma, mesenchymal chondrosarcoma and chondr
omyxoid fibroma and confirm its chondroid origin.