Behavioral responses of the gastropod mollusc Littoraria (=Littorina)
irrorata indicate that it can discriminate among environmental odors.
Snails were assayed for responses to 11 odors from plants and animals
potentially representing food, shelter, location in the environment, a
nd predators. Crushed conspecifics were included as an alarm odor. Exc
ept for odor of crushed conspecifics, all odor sources were water-born
e from living intact organisms. Behavioral responses were categorized
as no response, positive response, or negative response. For some anal
yses, negative responses were subdivided into withdrawing and turning
responses. Snails responded positively to several plant odors. They di
d not respond to odors of intact conspecifics, fiddler crabs, or grass
shrimp. They responded negatively to odors of a plant found at the up
per limit of their minimal habitat, predatory blue crabs, crushed cons
pecifics, predatory gastropods, and ribbed mussels. Odors of blue crab
s on different diets affect the type of negative response the snails d