A sampling of 15% of the cotton hectarage in each Florida county was a
ssayed for nematodes and soil particle components following the 1990 h
arvest. The distribution of juveniles of Meloidogyne spp., which were
found in 61% of the 178 fields sampled statewide, was not influenced b
y soil type. Rotylenchulus reniformis was more prevalent in the heavie
r soils and occurred in 15% of the sampled fields. In fields with conc
omitant infestations (9% of the sampled fields), densities of root-kno
t juveniles per 10 cm(3) soil were negatively related to those of reni
form nematodes (R(2) = -0.32; P < 0.02; df = 14). Gall ratings of cott
on plants, assayed in sampled soils, were positively related to the de
nsities of root-knot juveniles per 100 cm(3) soil (R(2) = 0.23; P < 0.
01; df = 175). Other nematode genera and their frequency of occurrence
were Helicotylenchus (76%), Paratrichodorus (57%), Criconemella (53%)
, Pratylenchus (42%), Xiphinema (7%), Heterodera (2%), and Hoplolaimus