In the present studies we investigated the effect of interferon-alpha
(IFN alpha) on the release of the soluble (extracellular) form of the
tumor necrosis factor p55 receptor (TNFsRp55), because TNFsRp55 is a n
atural antagonist of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced inflammation
and also might be part of the antiinflammatory properties of IFN alpha
. Plasma levels of TNFsRp55 were measured by a specific radioimmunoass
ay in five healthy volunteers and in five patients with chronic hepati
tis C treated with IFN alpha. Levels showed a significant increase aft
er a single injection of 5.0 million U IFN alpha in both healthy and h
epatitis patient groups. Peak values (3.5 to 4.5 ng/mL) were observed
within 12 hours of beginning treatment. Thereafter, levels promptly de
clined, reaching baseline values within 24 hours, TNF alpha and C-reac
tive protein (CRP) levels were below the detection limit in the same p
lasma samples. In addition, IFN alpha suppressed significantly interle
ukin (IL)-1 alpha-induced TNF alpha protein synthesis by human periphe
ral blood mononuclear cells. These results suggest that the antiinflam
matory properties of IFN alpha may be, in part, also due to the induct
ion and/or release of TNF soluble receptors and the suppression of TNF
alpha synthesis. (C) 1995 by The American Society of Hematology.