Odorous emissions from wastewater treatment plants can cause serious a
nnoyance in the vicinity. According to recently issued federal regulat
ions, when designing new WWTPs or expanding existing ones, expert opin
ion has to be taken into account. Also problems arise with existing pl
ants thar have to be solved. It is necessary to understand the basics
of odour and odour-related annoyance as well as the use of appropriate
measurement technique in order to describe the problem correctly. The
n problems can be detected and solved properly by using appropriate me
asures. There are many measures to be taken against odour emissions, d
epending upon the type of plant, process design, way of operation and
others. If, however, these measures are not able to guarantee a suffic
ient emission level, then collection of waste air and subsequent deodo
rization must be chosen to solve the problem. Different technologies f
or deodorization are known today, and available data concerning these
techniques at Germany's wastewater treatment plants are shown later. A
mong the possible technologies developed in recent years biological me
thods are gaining more and more attention, as they are efficient, cost
-effective and environment-friendly.