The paper considers the compressible Rayleigh equation as a model for
the Mach wave emission mechanism associated with high-temperature supe
rsonic jets. Solutions to the compressible Rayleigh equation reveal th
e existence of several families of supersonically convecting instabili
ty waves. These waves directly radiate noise to the jet far field. The
predicted noise characteristics are compared to previously acquired e
xperimental data for an axisymmetric Mach 2 fully pressure balanced je
t (i.e., P(e)/P(a) = 1.0) operating over a range of jet total temperat
ures from ambient to 1370 K. The results of this comparison show that
the first-order supersonic instability wave and the Kelvin-Helmholtz f
irst-, second-, and third-order modes have directional radiation chara
cteristics that are in agreement with observed data. The assumption of
equal initial amplitudes for all of the waves leads to the conclusion
that the flapping mode of instability dominates the noise radiation p
rocess of supersonic jets. At a jet temperature of 1370 K, supersonic
instability waves are predicted to dominate the noise radiated at high
frequency at narrow angles to the jet axis.