To evaluate whether girls with premature thelarche progress to central
precocious puberty (CPP) and to analyze their clinical and hormonal c
haracteristics, we retrospectively examined 100 girls with premature t
helarche who were followed for several years. Fourteen of the patients
with characteristics diagnostic of premature thelarche (isolated brea
st development before age 8 years, bone age advancement within 2 SD of
normal, normal growth velocity, follicle-stimulating hormone-predomin
ant response to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone) progressed duri
ng follow-up to precocious or early central puberty (progressive breas
t size increase, bone age acceleration, and significant decrease in pr
edicted adult height). The chronologic age of this group of 14 girls w
as 5.1 +/- 2.0 years at the onset of premature thelarche and 7.8 +/- 0
.6 years (mean +/- SD) after progression to central early or precociou
s puberty. Pelvic ultrasonography showed significant differences in me
asurements between the time of diagnosis of premature thelarche and pr
ogression to CPP. Nine of these patients required treatment, three wit
h cyproterone acetate and six with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormo
ne analogs, and all responded as expected for could be established tha
t separated the 14 children who progressed to preconcious or early pub
erty from the 86 girls who did not. We conclude that premature thelarc
he is not always a self-limited condition and may sometimes accelerate
the timing of puberty.