Low live weight gain of cattle in the wet season of tropical areas was
identified as a major limitation to achieving annual growth rates fro
m tropical pasture systems sufficient to meet new market specification
s of young animals of high carcass weight. Both protein and energy are
limiting nutrients for growth. Net transfer of feed protein to the in
testines is often not complete, and losses occur with grasses and legu
mes when CP content exceeds 210 g of CP/kg of digestible OM. This prot
ein loss is important because a collation of experimental data indicat
ed that cattle consuming low- and high-quality pasture and silage-base
d diets all responded to extra protein. The response was less for the
higher-quality forage. The role of legumes in supplying this protein w
as investigated and, unless legumes can increase total DMI by at least
30%, they will not supply sufficient intestinal protein to increase l
ive weight gain by about 300 g/d. The problem with legumes and some gr
asses is the loss of protein from the rumen, and increasing energy sup
ply to the rumen, either through improved digestibility or energy supp
lements, is a strategy that could be used to reduce this. Strategies t
o increase the proportion of escape protein would be successful, but i
ncorporation of lowly degradable protein fractions into legumes may be
more difficult because of the level of expression of these protein fr
actions required for a significant live weight gain response. Cattle e
ntering the wet season usually exhibit compensatory growth and are exp
osed to high ambient temperatures and often to high humidity. Intestin
al protein above that stipulated in feeding standards may be beneficia
l in these circumstances, and more emphasis should be placed on the ab
ility of legumes to supply protein postruminally. At present the prote
in delivery capacity of agronomically competitive legumes seems to be
inadequate for the higher growth rates required in production systems,
and supplements of energy and protein will be needed to achieve these
higher targets until new cultivars appear.