A linear accelerator (linac) for single charged (positive and negative
) ions of the four various Pt isotopes has been proposed. Eight beams
of different charges and masses of ions are accelerated in parallel RF
Q channels to an energy of 100 MeV. The beams are then brought togethe
r by a system of alternating gradient magnets for a 180 degrees bendin
g and matching of the beams. The main channel that accelerates all the
beams together consists of three stages. The first stage (until 600 M
eV) is a Wideroe structure, followed by two consecutive Alvarex channe
ls (2.5 GeV and 10 GeV) that have different radio frequencies. The cha
racteristics of the output beam for each kind of ions are as follows:
average pulse current, 130 mA; horizontal emittance, 0.6 pi cm mrad; v
ertical emittance, 0.4 pi cm mrad; momentum spread, +/- 0.07%; bunch l
ength, 3.6 cm; spacing between bunches of each kind, 15.3 m.