Experiments to examine the effects on root-zone water quality by deep
trenching disposal of municipal shredded newsprint in agricultural pro
duction soils were conducted in Alabama, USA. Three treatments were ex
amined during the study. In two treatments, a 25:1 carbon/nitrogen (C:
N) ratio was examined by mixing poultry litter or liquid ammonium nitr
ate (NH4NO3) with the shredded newsprint. The third treatment examined
cellulose (125:1 C:N) only. The water quality data from two depths (0
.6 and 1.2 m) adjacent to the trenches (within 5 cm) and from a no tre
nch area (> 1.5 m from the trenches) suggest that there is no leaching
of P and K. Nitrogen, as measured by total Kjeldahl (TKN) and nitrate
(NO3-), showed mobility next to the trenches. Nitrate movement below
the 1.2 m depth occurred using cellulose only. The poultry litter/cell
ulose mixture showed little NO3--N vertical movement and the NH4NO3/ce
llulose mixture showed some NO3--N movement next to the trenches.