Legal recognition of marital rape as a crime occurred in England and W
ales in 1991. A study of nine newspapers during the first complete yea
r of operation (1992) indicates that media coverage of marital rape ca
ses has been muted. Six cases were reported in 1992 illustrating a wid
e range of contexts of marital rape. Only cases where the husband with
a drink problem threatened his estranged wife with a knife before rap
ing her resulted in a prison sentence. The notion of estrangement acco
mpanied by violence seemed usefully to endorse the traditional stereot
ype of rape, so these cases appeared non-contentious. The other cases
which were more challenging as cases of marital rape produced outcomes
which seemed unsatisfactory for the women involved in a variety of wa
ys. Surprisingly, there is no evidence of any marital rape cases being
mentioned in The Times in 1993 which suggests either that the new cri
me of marital rape is not being much used or that there is now an avoi
dance of potentially contentious cases coming before the courts.