Urine and serum samples of rats bearing three different experimental t
umours (hepatocellular carcinoma, myelomonocytic leukemia and mesoblas
tic nephroma) were investigated for mutagenicity with the Ames Salmone
lla test. Enhancement of mutagenic activity in TA98 and TA100 was obse
rved only in the case of urine samples obtained from animals bearing n
ephromas. Mutagenicity increased with increasing time after implantati
on of tumours. There was no coincidence between urinary and serum muta
genicity under the experimental conditions employed. Further studies a
re needed to determine the origins, and chemical and genotoxic charact
eristics of urinary mutagens. In addition, the question as to whether
any mutagenic substances can be detected in fractions of plasma/serum
should also be experimentally addressed.