A novel gene, isolated because of structural similarities to fibrillin
, was called LTBP2 when its 4.6-kb transcript was found to encode a pr
otein sequence related to the latent TGF-beta binding protein (LTBP1),
which is encoded on human chromosome (Chr) 2, region p12-q22. We have
assigned the human and murine LTBP2 loci to regions of conserved synt
eny on human Chr 11 and mouse Chr 19. By PCR analysis of somatic cell
hybrid DNA and fluorescence in situ hybridization, LTBP2 was mapped to
human Chr band 11q12 and Ltbp2 to mouse Chr band 19B. Differences bet
ween inbred strains were discovered by single-strand conformation anal
ysis of PCR products from the 3' untranslated region. Analysis of BXD
and AKXL recombinant inbred strains have placed Ltbp2 between D19Rp19
and Ly10 on proximal mouse Chr 19.