In the city of Malmo, Sweden, a project was started to improve the reh
abilitation of patients with back pain. Among 532 patients with back p
ain who were on sick leave for an average of 98 days the year precedin
g the consultation, very few specific diagnoses were made in spite of
a thorough clinical and radiological examination. Only five of the pat
ients were cured by surgery. During the same period 103 patients were
operated on for disc herniation or nerve root stenosis at the Orthopae
dic Department at Malmo General Hospital. Thus the routines for somati
c diagnosis of the medical service in Malmo are adequate and an improv
ement would have very little effect on the expenditures for sick leave
and early retirement. As suggested in this paper social and psycholog
ical factors are of greater importance in the rehabilitation and we sh
ould focus less on the physical problems of the patient.