Using a unipolar esothoracic pacing system (where current passes from
a point source positioned in the distal esophagus to a chest wall pad)
and pulse duration of 50 msec, satisfactory 1:1 ventricular capture w
as obtained in 57 (86%) of 66 patients, with a mean threshold current
of 27.7 mA at an optimal depth of 40.3 cm from the lower lip. When the
unipolar esothoracic and bipolar transesophageal ventricular pacing s
ystems were compared, the bipolar system was associated with a lower s
uccess rate and higher threshold current. When unipolar esothoracic pa
cing and gastrothoracic pacing (where current passes from a point sour
ce positioned in the stomach to a chest wall pad) were compared in 23
patients with bradyarrhythmia, ventricular capture was achieved using
gastrothoracic pacing in 22 patients (96%) and esothoracic pacing in 2
1 (91%): gastrothoracic pacing required less current (16.0 mA +/- SD 7
.2 vs 25.8 mA +/- SD 8.6). Optimal ventricular capture occurred using
a unipolar gastrothoracic pacing electrode inserted to an average dept
h of 44.3 cm together with a high impedance chest pad (250 Omega) plac
ed in the fourth interspace at the left sternal edge, with 50-msec cur
rent pulses and a mean threshold of 16.0 mA. Thus, using a gastroesoph
ageal electrode system, ventricular pacing can be achieved successfull
y, and the availability of such a system could play a major role in re
suscitation of patients from severe bradyarrhythmias.