Screening pediatric inpatients for psychosocial dysfunction offers phy
sicians an opportunity to identify emotional and behavioral problems t
hat might otherwise go unrecognized. In this study, the Pediatric Symp
tom Checklist (PSC), a brief, parent-completed questionnaire, which ha
s been validated in a variety of outpatient settings, was used to scre
en 98 pediatric inpatients. Results indicated that the PSC can be easi
ly administered in a busy inpatient setting and is well-tolerated by b
oth house staff and patients' parents as a routine part of the admissi
ons process. The percentage of children who screened positive with the
PSC in this inpatient setting was similar to the percentages generate
d by using the PSC in outpatient settings. Routine use of the PSC in i
npatient settings serves to heighten house staff awareness of psychoso
cial concerns and facilitate parent-physician discussion of pediatric
mental health issues.