Objective: To determine the variability of endothelial reactivity to v
enostasis in the upper and lower Limbs of healthy subjects. Participan
ts: Ten healthy volunteers were investigated twice, at an interval of
1-week. Main outcome measures: Plasma concentrations of substances rel
eased from endothelial cells were determined in each limb after 10 min
of venostasis in a sequential manner. Tissue plasminogen activator (t
PA), plasminogen activator inhibiting factor (PAI-1), thrombin-antithr
ombin complexes (TAT) and D-dimers (D-Di) were used as indicators of t
he thrombotic process and its reactions; angiotensin converting enzyme
(ACE) and endothelin-1 (ET1) were related to endothelial cell activit
y involved in vascular tone regulation. Results: No difference was obs
erved in endothelial cell recovery following venostasis after an inter
val of 1 week. A significant difference in endothelial cell release wa
s found between the upper and lower limbs and between the right and le
ft legs. Conclusions: Excellent reproducibility of measurements was ob
served. In keeping with the higher frequency of venous thrombosis in t
he lower limbs, the left leg seemed to be less reactive after venostas
is, and the endothelium was more reactive in the upper than in the low
er limbs.