In the years 1992 to 1993 effects of antierosion technologies on the c
ontent of risk elements in soil and crops of crop rotation: rye - pota
toes - oats - rape have been studied. In view of the incidence of risk
elements in soil the trial was situated in the landscape with low ant
hropological influence. Experimental plot was represented by acid camb
isol on paragneiss, loam sandy to sandy loam soil. All risk elements w
ere determined in extract 2M HNO3, Hg content was ascertained by the T
MA method. Treatments of classic and two antierosion crop rotations wh
ich rotated in three replications did not show the effect of soil cons
ervation processing on raised increase in risk elements into plant pro
ducts. Statistically significant differences in the content of risk el
ements were manifested only between investigated crops regardless the
technology chosen. Simultaneously with it, the ratio of enrichment (ER
) of sediment in trace elements was calculated. The highest ER values
were achieved at Zn (5.5) and Cr (1.6). Concerning As, Co, Cu and Pb,
there was only a slight increase in the content of washed away soil co
mpared with the original material. Raised Ni concentration in the sedi
ment was not recorded. Certain increase in the ER of risk elements in
the sediment was manifested in treatments where antierosion practices
were applied. This was evidently a result of increased content of clay
particles in the sediment of treatments with antierosion applications