PURPOSE: To determine the natural history of treated and untreated con
genital toxoplasmosis and impact of this infection on vision. METHODS:
In this prospective, longitudinal study, 76 newborns were treated wit
h pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine for approximately one year, and 18 in
dividuals not treated during their first year of life entered the stud
y after age 1 year (historical patients). RESULTS: Chorioretinal scars
were the most common eye finding in all patients and were most common
in the periphery (58% of treated and 82% of historical patients). Mac
ular scars were present in 54% of the treated patients; 41% were bilat
eral. Macular scars were present in 76% of the historical patients; 23
% were bilateral. Visual acuity in the presence of macular lesions ran
ged from 20/20 to 20/400. Of the patients followed up from the newborn
period and treated, 29% had bilateral visual impairment, with visual
acuity for the best eye of less than 20/40. Causes for this visual imp
airment in eyes with quiescent lesions included macular scars, draggin
g of the macula secondary to a peripheral lesion, retinal detachment,
optic atrophy, cataract, amblyopia, and phthisis. There were recurrenc
es in both treated (13%, 7/54) and previously untreated historical pat
ients (44%, 8/18). The total, median, and range of years of follow-up
during which recurrences were observed were, for treated patients, 189
years (total), five years (median), and three to ten years (range) an
d, for historical, untreated patients, 160 years (total), 11 years (me
dian), and three to 24 years (range). New lesions occurred in previous
ly normal retinas and also contiguous to older scars. Active lesions a
ppeared to become quiescent within ten to 14 days after beginning pyri
methamine and sulfadiazine therapy. CONCLUSION: Many children with con
genital toxoplasmosis have substantial retinal damage at birth and con
sequent loss of vision. Nonetheless, vision may be remarkable good in
the presence of large macular scars. Active lesions become quiescent w
ith treatment.