In order to explore the possibility of administering a peptide by the
oral route, a diglyceride prodrug of a pentapeptide has been evaluated
in vitro and in vivo. Different formulations of the prodrug have been
studied: an aqueous suspension, different o/w emulsions, an oily solu
tion and different aqueous solutions in which the prodrug was solubili
zed with the aid of taurocholate in the presence of palmitic acid or c
alcium chloride. The stability of the prodrug in a lipase medium was c
orrelated with its solubility in the aqueous phase. The lymphatic kine
tics after oral administration of the peptide prodrug have been determ
ined after mesenteric lymphatic cannulation in the rat. The lymphatic
uptake of the prodrug has been found to be somewhat erratic and finall
y, the prodrug does not seem to cross intact the enteral barrier. Diff
erent hypotheses are proposed to explain these results.