The objective of the present investigation was to characterize further
the connective tissue disorder produced by pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) d
eficiency, as previously evidenced by electron microscopy. Following t
he second post-natal week, fast growing male chicks were deprived of p
yridoxine for a 1-mo period. Six weeks post-natally, blood concentrati
ons in the experimental deficiency group had declined to deficiency le
vels as registered by low concentrations of pyridoxal phosphate (coenz
yme form) in erythrocytes, but did not reach levels associated with ne
urological symptoms. Light microscopic study showed abnormalities in t
he extracellular matrix of the connective tissues. Collagen cross-link
s and the aldehyde contents were not significantly lower in cartilage
and tendon collagens of vitamin B-6-deficient animals than in age-matc
hed controls; also, their proteoglycan degrading protease and collagen
ase activities measured in articular cartilages were not greater. Thus
, proteolysis was an unlikely alternative mechanism to account for the
loss of connective tissue integrity. These results point to the need
for further investigation into adhesive properties of collagen associa
ted proteoglycans or other proteins in vitamin B-6-deficient connectiv
e tissue.