Noise exposure is a major cause of deafness. Industrial workers, many
of whom frequently come from ethnic communities, are most vulnerable.
Cultural differences in causal attributions made for mid-life hearing
loss were examined in a survey of 665 health practitioners from the Ch
inese, German, Greek, Italian, Arabic speaking and Anglo Australian co
mmunities. They reported on community usage of 18 explanations. Signif
icant differences were found in the endorsement of 14 explanations. Th
e attributions of the Chinese differed most from those of Anglo Austra
lians. All communities except the Arabic speaking, included the majori
ty of scientific explanations within their main attributions. However
the role of heredity and aging were overemphasised, drugs were discoun
ted and chance was a favoured explanation. The Italian, Chinese and Ar
abic communities were less aware of the dangers of noise and together
with the Greeks were most prone to use supernatural explanations. Impl
ications for hearing protection programs are discussed.