The rimming flow of condensate in horizontal rotating dryer cylinders
has been studied computationally by solving the full Navier-Stokes equ
ations coupled with a volume of fluid method for tracking the free sur
face. It was shown that significant variations in both condensate velo
city and thickness exist at moderate dryer speeds, whereas at higher s
peeds the variations are of less significance. Regardless of dryer spe
ed or condensate film thickness, the film can be divided into two dist
inct regions: a viscous sub-layer adjacent to the cylinder wall and an
inviscid, oscillating layer close to the free surface. The thickness
of the viscous layer decreases as the dryer speed increases, whereas,
for a certain speed, it is independent of the total film thickness. Th
e computational results are compared with measurements of both the fil
m thickness and the pressure normal to the cylinder wall. In both case
s the agreement is excellent. Some implications for heat transfer thro
ugh the condensate film are briefly discussed.