A method to evaluate cytotoxic effects applicable over a wide range of
incubation times has been developed. It is based on quantification by
flow cytometry of dead and viable target cells stained by covalently
binding the fluorescent dye fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The sta
ining with FITC did not affect cell viability and growth parameters an
d was stable enough to identify target cells for at least 2 days. The
flow cytometric analysis of the cell mixture was performed in a test s
ystem with activated CD8(+) lymphocytes as effector cells and melanoma
M21 cells as targets in the presence of appropriate bispecific antibo
dies and revealed a rather complex pattern composed of several distinc
t cell subsets which were identified by use of antibodies to lymphocyt
e antigens. The assay compared favourably with results from a conventi
onal Cr-51 release assay obtained after 4 h and 8 h of incubation and
from a target cell adherence assay obtained after 24 h of incubation.
The application of the method described herein is especially advantage
ous for the evaluation of long-term cytotoxic effects. Furthermore, it
provides valuable multi-parameter information which is useful for elu
cidating mechanisms of cytotoxicity.