A model to predict the spatial and temporal variation of domestic dry
weather flow in sewer networks was developed in this paper. A probabil
istic framework was used to interpret intermittent appliance usage and
methods for modeling the spatial distribution of inflow, and multiple
appliances were developed. The concept of expected flow was introduce
d to overcome the problem of converting short-term, intermittent input
s into long-term, continuous baseflow suitable as an upstream boundary
condition for a Muskingum-Cunge flow model. A small-scale domestic ap
pliance usage survey was carried out to provide the necessary input da
ta. The model was verified on a small combined sewer network in southe
ast England, using 25 days of dry weather flow data. The accuracy of m
ean daily and peak flows fell within +/- 10% of the measured values, a
nd the overall fit of the data throughout the day was found to be good
. The long-term variability of flow about its mean at any instant duri
ng the day was also successfully modeled.