Species richness of the interidal macroinfauna of exposed sandy beache
s around South America is reviewed in relation to geographic location.
This macroinfauna is dominated by cirolanid isopods (Excirolana), biv
alves (Mesodesma and Donax) and opheliid and spionid polychaetes. In g
eneral, the upper shore of tropical and subtropical beaches is charact
erized by crabs (Ocypodidae), whereas on temperate beaches it is domin
ated by talitrid amphipods and cirolanid isopods. The middle shore is
primarily occupied by cirolanids and bivalves, and hippid crabs, bival
ves and amphipods dominate the lower beach. Generally, species richnes
s increases from upper to lower beach levels. Studies carried out on e
xposed sandy beaches of south-central Chile (ca. 40-degrees-S) show th
at different beach states harbour differences in species richness, wit
h the greatest species richness on dissipative beaches, and the least
on beaches with reflective characteristics, a pattern also observed in