Da. Allen et al., NEUTRON RADIOGRAPHY USING A TRANSPORTABLE SUPERCONDUCTING CYCLOTRON, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 353(1-3), 1994, pp. 128-133
A thermal neutron radiography system on a compact 12 MeV superconducti
ng proton cyclotron is described. Neutrons are generated using a thick
beryllium target and moderated in high density polyethylene. Monte Ca
rlo computer simulations have been used to model the neutron and photo
n transport in order to optimise the performance of the system. With p
roton beam currents in excess of 100 mu A, it can provide high thermal
neutron fluxes with L/D ratios of between 50 and 300 for various appl
ications. Both film and electronic imaging are used to produce radiogr
aphs. The electronic imaging system consists of a Li-6-loaded ZnS inte
nsifier screen, and a low light CCD or SIT camera. High resolution ima
ges can be recorded and computer-controlled data processing, analysis
and display are possible.