Medical student organizations-including the American Medical Student A
ssociation (AMSA), the Association of American Medical Colleges's Orga
nization of Student Representatives (AAMC-ORS), and the American Acade
my of Family Physicians' National Congress of Student Members (AAFP-NC
SM)-are responding to the increased need for generalist physicians. Th
rough a variety of initiatives drawing on each organization's unique s
trengths and capabilities, students are developing curricular and extr
acurricular initiatives to increase trainees' exposure to and knowledg
e about generalist medicine. These projects indicate that future physi
cians are interested in learning about generalist careers and in worki
ng with generalist mentors early in their medical training. Students a
re addressing these needs through community-based experiences, student
interest groups, legislative activity, curricular reform, and researc
h in generalist medicine.