We analyzed variation in advertisement calls and allozymes in 30 popul
ations along a 5000-km transect throughout most of the range of the tu
ngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. All 12 call variables measured sho
w significant differences among populations despite the importance of
the advertisement call in species recognition. Some call variables exh
ibited clinal variation, whereas most others differed between the two
major allozyme groups that have invaded Panama at different times, per
haps 4-4.5 million yr apart. Call variables that primarily affect disc
rimination among conspecifics tended to exhibit greater variation than
call variables that are crucial for species recognition. The proximat
e mechanism of production underlying a call variable, however, is a be
tter predictor of its variation. Contrary to predictions of some sexua
l selection models, carl Variation exhibits predictable patterns of ge
ographical variation, although a substantial portion of variation amon
g populations is not explained by geographic position. Although allozy
mes, calls, and geography usually covary, closer populations can have
more similar calls independent of allozyme similarity.