At what age and in what ways do children distinguish deductive and ind
uctive problems? In Experiment 1, students from kindergarten and from
Grades 2, 4, and 6 were presented with deductive or inductive inferenc
e problems and asked to draw an inference and rate their confidence. B
y 4th grade, confidence ratings for deductive problems were higher tha
n those for inductive problems, and responses were faster for deductiv
e than for inductive items. In Experiment 2, students from Grades 2, 3
, 4, and 5 responded to the same problems used in Experiment 1 but wer
e asked to provide explanations for their responses. Again, confidence
was higher with deductive than with inductive problems, and latency t
o respond was faster for deductive than for inductive items. Further,
explanations differed as a function of the type of problem. These find
ings help fill in gaps in the emerging picture of the development of c
hildren's reasoning skills.