Background: The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of remifentanil
were studied in 65 healthy volunteers using the electroencephalogram (
EEG) to measure the opioid effect.(1) In a companion article, the auth
ors developed complex population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic m
odels that incorporated age and lean body mass (LBM) as significant co
variates and characterized intersubject pharmacokinetic and pharmacody
namic variability, In the present article, the authors determined whet
her remifentanil dosing should be adjusted according to age and LBM, o
r whether these covariate effects were overshadowed by the interindivi
dual variability present in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics,
Methods: Based on the typical pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic par
ameters, nomograms for bolus dose and infusion rates at each age and L
BM were derived. Three populations of 500 individuals each, ages 20, 5
0, and 80 yr, were simulated base on the interindividual variances in
model parameters as estimated by the NONMEM software package, The peak
EEG effect in response to a bolus, the steady-state EEG effect in res
ponse to an infusion, and the time course of drug effect were examined
in each of the three populations. Simulations were performed to exami
ne the time necessary to achieve a 20%, 50%, and 80% decrease in remif
entanil effect site concentration after a variable-length infusion, Th
e variability in the time for a 50% decrease in effect site concentrat
ions was examined in each of the three simulated populations. Titratab
ility using a constant-rate infusion was also examined, Results: After
a bolus dose, the age-related changes in V-1 and k(c0) nearly offset
each other. The peak effect site concentration reached after a bolus d
ose does not depend on age, However, the peak effect site concentratio
n occurs later in elderly individuals. Because the EEG shows increased
brain sensitivity to opioids with increasing age, an 80-yr-old person
required approximately one half the bolus dose of a 20-yr old of simi
lar LBM to reach the same peak EEG effect. Failure to adjust the bolus
dose for age resulted in a more rapid onset of EEG effect and prolong
ed duration of EEG effect in the simulated elderly population. The inf
usion rate required to maintain 50% EEG effect in a typical 80-yr-old
is approximately one third that requited in a typical 20-yr-old. Failu
re to adjust the infusion rate for age resulted in a more rapid onset
of EEG effect and more profound steady-state EEG effect in the simulat
ed elderly population, The typical times required for remifentanil eff
ect site concentrations to decrease by 20%, 50%, and 80% after prolong
ed administration are rapid and little affected by age or duration of
infusion, These simulations suggest that the time required for a decre
ase in effect site concentrations will be more variable in the elderly
, As a result, elderly patients may occasionally have a slower emergen
ce from anesthesia than expected, A step change in the remifentanil in
fusion rate resulted in a rapid and predictable change of EEG effect i
n both the young and the elderly. Conclusions: Based on the EEG model,
age and LBM are significant demographic factors that must be consider
ed when determining a dosage regimen for remifentanil, This remains tr
ue even when interindividual pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic varia
bility are incorporated in the analysis.