The authors reported the emergence of meningococcus B strains in Sub-S
aharian Africa. From 1992 to 1993, four strains of Neisseria meningiti
dis' B serogroup were isolated in A. Royer paediatric Service of Dakar
University Hospital Center. These strains, originated from children a
ged four to six years (two girls and two boys), admitted for purulent
meningitis, during the dry and cold season. The clinical aspects showe
d no pecularity. Direct examination and search of soluble antigens of
meningococcus B, were positive in all cerebrospinal fluid samples; cul
ture was negative in one patient, who probably received antibiotic. Su
sceptibility to antibiotics indicated a good sensibility to penicillin
G, ampicillin, chloramphenicol and erythromycin. The mean duration of
hospitalization was 12 days; patients having a favorable outcome with
intravenous ampicillin.