We report the results of mapping observations of a proto-planetary neb
ula CRL 2688 in the 13CO J = 1-0 line with a beam size of 4''.4 x 3''.
9 with Nobeyama Millimeter Array. Emission of 13CO is extended by abou
t 15'', which is about one-fourth of the CO envelope size obseved by s
ingle-dish telescopes. The channel velocity maps show that 13CO emissi
on consists of three components: a spherically symmetric high-brightne
ss core at the center, a less bright extended envelope with clumpy str
ucture, and a high-velocity component near the center. The high-bright
ness central core is found to extend by about 10'' and to appear spher
ically symmetric. The disk- or torus-like structure which was previous
ly observed by others in several molecular lines is not seen in the 13
CO maps. This indicates that the gas density in the envelope does not
vary much with the polar angle. The extended component is observed to
spread along the symmetry axis. The peak positions of the red- and blu
eshifted features of the high-velocity component are found to be separ
ated by about 3''.