The Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome (BOS) is a rare connective tissue diso
rder inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern characterized by cutan
eous lesions, dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata, and osteopoiki
losis. We report a new case of this syndrome in a 66 year old man, int
eresting by its association with a protein C deficiency, another rare
genetically transmitted disease. Diagnosis of the BOS is difficult on
the mere cutaneous lesions; if is therefore important to systematicall
y practice bone X-rays in the presence of atypical pseudoxanthoma elas
ticum, disseminated collagenoma or disseminated connective tissue or e
lastic nevi. The radiologically detectable osteopoikilotic bone lesion
s, evoking Paget's disease, easily sign the diagnosis. In our case, th
e association of a protein C deficiency with the BOS may not be fortui
tous because both the elastin and protein C genes are localized on chr
omosome 2q.